This class is all about you, your interests and ideas. In order for me to get a better sense of your interests, strengths and areas where you would like to improve, please take a moment and fill out this form: student profile-art 2.pages

Studio art classes are some of my favorite classes to teach. There is nothing better that getting your hands dirty as a result of personal expression. Hopefully, you will enjoy being in this class as much as I will enjoy teaching it!

Outline of Units

Throughout the year, you may be assigned specific materials,  subject matter and concepts to explore. With the more open ended projects, how you represent your ideas is completely up to you. As a result, there will be a great amount of opportunity for personal expression, creativity and self directed learning and discovery.


This year we will be exploring artists and themes from a wide range of cultures and time periods. Here is a list of possible themes that we might be exploring as a class:

Identity, compassion, paradox, structures, spirituality, conflict, fantasy, protest, loss and desire, place, boundaries, humor, romance, stories, power, history, transformation, memory, times, ecology, change, systems, play, consumption, balance

Once class schedules have been finalized you will vote as a class to determine which topics are of interest to you.

Subject Matter

During the course of the year you will be expected to incorporate the following subjects into your work. How you incorporate them and when you choose to do so is entirely up to you. Below is a list of the required subjects:

  1. Portrait

  2. Landscape

  3. Cityscape

  4. Still Life

  5. Abstract

Art Materials

In addition to having freedom with your ideas and subject matter, you will also be able to choose which materials you want to use for each project. By the end of the year you must use at least one material from the following categories:

  1. Drawing- Charcoal, pen and ink, graphite pencil

  2. Drawing (Color)- Chalk pastel, oil pastel

  3. Painting- Watercolor, acrylic

  4. Printmaking- Relief (woodcut of Linocut), Monoprint, Screenprint, Intaglio (Engraving)

  5. Sculpture/Ceramics- Clay or Sculpey, wire, plaster, found objects/recycled materials, fabric, paper, etc

  6. Mixed Media/Collage- Paper/magazines/photos, Recycled materials


Consider your sketchbook to be as important as your iPhone. For this class, your sketchbook will be your constant companion. You will use it to plan out ideas for projects, test out materials and techniques, write reflections, and serve as a place to collect visual inspirations.

Your sketchbook will be graded along with your final projects. Its grade is weighted the same as your art. To see the rubrics for your sketchbook visit the Rubrics and Handouts page of this site.

Class Rules

Care for Materials

A clean art room means happy students and a VERY a happy teacher. = ) There is nothing worse than getting unwanted paint all over your project because of someone else’s  carelessness. All art materials need to be put back in their proper place and the art studio cleaned. Cleanup is a group effort. You are all responsible for maintaining the art room. If the room is left a mess, it is up to all of you to clean it up.

Laptops will be used on a daily basis for research, reflection and the creation of projects only. Anyone found to be on websites or using programs other than what was assigned will be sent to the Second Chance Room to make up for the time that you wasted. I love Skype, Facebook and checking my email just as much as the next person, but there is an appropriate time to visit these places and using these programs. My class is not one of them.

Attendance will be taken right at the start of each class. You are late if you are not in your seat when class starts. You will be marked absent if you enter the class more than 20 minutes late.

Grading Policy

  1. Summative assessments include sketchbooks, final projects, and self reflections which demonstrate your learning.

  2. Formative assessments include homework, media experiments, research, and sketchbooks.

  3. Grades will be updated on Powerschool on a regular basis. If there is a grade issue, please see me before or after school to discuss it. Grades will not be discussed during class, as class time is for making art.

  4. Powerschool automatically rounds up grades, therefore grades will not be changed unless there is a human error.

Grade Categories:

  1. Summative Assessments: 80%

  2. Final Assessment: 20%

  3. Formative Assessments will be entered into Gradebook, but will not be counted in your final grade.


Specific rubrics will be provided with each unit so you will know what is expected of you before you even begin the project. These rubrics are posted on each project page of this website. If you do not understand what is expected of you, it is your responsibility to come to me for clarification.


If homework is not completed by the start of the class, you will be given the opportunity to complete it THAT day in the Second Chance Room (SCR). You will need to turn it in to me before school begins the very next day. Should you choose not to, you will be given many chances to visit the SCR until it is finished. To turn something in ‘the next day’, means next school day, not next class period.

Formative homework assignments will not be graded, but will be marked “missing” in Gradebook if not handed in. Summative Homework assignments will be graded and marked with an “incomplete” if not handed in.

Make-Up Work and Late Work

  1. Projects are designed so that the majority of work can be done in class. Due dates and deadlines are given far enough in advance, and are extremely fair. Project components that receive the grade of 80% or below may be reworked. A decision to rework an assignment must be made within 3 days of receiving your final grades. All reworked/resubmitted pieces are due within 2 weeks of the original due date. You will need to complete a re-submittal plan, and get it approved by me before the project can be revised and regraded.

  1. You have 1 week to make up any work from an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to check for missed assignments and to turn in missing work.   

  1. In emergencies and serious illnesses, other accommodations between the student and teacher will be arranged.

  2. I am available after school and at lunch time for open studio/extra work time, however it is your responsibility to schedule time in advance.

  3. Homework: If homework is not completed for the start of the class, you will be given the opportunity to complete it THAT day in the Second Chance Room. You will need to turn it in to me at the beginning of the next class period. Should you choose not to, you will be given additional chances to visit the SCR until it is finished. 

  1. Major Projects: If you do not complete or turn in a major project, the following steps will occur:

  2. -Log Entry: Parents, administrators and counselors are contacted immediately when projects are not turned in.

  3. -Second Chance Room (SCR): you will be given the opportunity to complete your project in the SCR. If the project is not completed at the end of the session, you will automatically be assigned to the SCR until the work is done.

  4. -The project will be marked as Missing in Gradebook. Additionally, your grade will be temporally changed to an Incomplete until a grade is given for the assessment.

  5. -A zero will replace the Missing/Incomplete grade if the work is not submitted by two days before the start of exams.

Academic Dishonesty

This Art class should stretch your artistic abilities and your imagination. The course expects that you create original and personal work which is not copied from other sources. You are expected to practice artistic integrity at all times!

“Any work that makes use of other artists’ work (including photographs) and/or published images must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This may be demonstrated through manipulation of the formal qualities, design, and/or concept of the original work. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law simply to copy an image (even in another medium) that was made by someone else.”

Artistic Integrity also includes taking responsibility and not allowing someone else to physically do your work for you. Turning in someone else’s work with your name on it is cheating. The school cheating policy will be strictly enforced, and you will need to create an entirely new project within a designated amount of time.

Should you commit a form of academic dishonesty the following steps will be followed:

  1. A Log entry for ALL levels of academic dishonesty will be made

  2. You will be given an alternative assignment and assessment. This assignment is exempt from the resubmittal policy stated above.

  3. Consequences will be administered by Mrs. Doleman, Ms. McKenna or Dr. Heckmann

Are you not quite sure what academic dishonesty or plagiarism in art looks like? Read this article for more information. In addition to the categories listed in the article, having your friend, parent or family member work on your piece of art counts  as well.

Learner Profile

Active Learner: Active learning is contributing to class discussions, group brainstorming sessions and critiques. Time and effort goes into the planning and design of projects, as well as pushing the boundaries and going beyond the minimum requirements.

Integrity: In addition to following the SAS Academic Honesty guidelines in the Student Handbook, a student demonstrating integrity is focused and on task at all times- no Skype, games, texting, etc.

Responsibility: Responsibility includes meeting deadlines, being prepared for class, and helping to clean up.


Welcome to Art 2